IndieGoGo Go!


If you haven’t heard, my students’ IndieGoGo campaign has gone live! We are both excited and nervous. It seems we’ve become a test case for the education community. I’ve received a lot of e-mails from teachers who say they are watching and waiting to see how our IndieGoGo campaign goes. If we are successful, it seems many teachers would like to do something similar for their own classroom. If we fail, I suppose we fail alone.

No matter what,  I’m happy with my students’ efforts and stick-to-itiveness. There were many opportunities to tapout, but they did not take them. There were many opportunities to give up, but they kept going. They could have thrown in the towel, but they decided to fight. I’m proud of them.

If you would like to donate to our campaign, that would be awesome. If not, sharing our campaign would be awesome too. Either way, this social experiment has been one of my proudest moments.

Thank you!

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