PARCC: Won’t Somebody Please Think Of The Children


It’s no secret that PARCC isn’t very popular with many teachers and parents. With so much negativity surrounding PARCC who knows what students might read or overhear. I wouldn’t blame them if they felt mad, overwhelmed, or nervous. I wanted to do something about it!

With the holiday break over, PARCC prep’s in full swing in my district. Tomorrow, we are taking the first of many classes down to the computer labs to take a sample PARCC so they can become more familiar with the testing environment. I wanted to do something to calm the anxiety of any worries students, so I made a PowToon / Screencast hybrid video to tell students a little bit about PARCC, why it’s important to do their best, what kinds of questions they might see, and, most of all, not to worry because they’re going to do great! The video is short and meant for elementary and middle school students. I’m going to play it before they take the practice PARCC!

I’ve put a generic version on YouTube in case you wanted to use it in your class or even show it to teachers/parents so they can see what kind of questions will be on the PARCC and the technical skills students will need to be proficient in (drag/drop, scroll, etc.) to be successful. This video focuses on the English portion of the PARCC. I will post the Math version sometime next week if people are interested. Again, if you like it and want to use, feel free. If you do, I’d love a follow and shout out on Twitter! The feeds at the top! Enjoy:

Until Next Time,